
scientific and technical website design projects news

BioMedEng Association

Screenshot from the desktop version of BioMedEng Association website.

The Association of Biomedical Engineers, Medical Engineers and Bioengineers (BioMedEng Association) represents a broad membership that use engineering tools and techniques to solve problems arising from biology and medicine.

The new website allows the BioMedEng Association to offer membership discounts to its annual conferences while reducing the exposure of members personal details to the local conference management committee. Each annual conference can be run in a separate WordPress instance using the Multisite option in WordPress installation. Member integration is offered through a set of custom WordPress plugins. Colours, banner and footer areas can be changed in the default conference sub-sites, providing the conference organisers with the option of easily developing their site based on the parent BioMedEng Association appearance. The conference sub-site templates offer registration management, account overviews, and private pages for registrants. Payments are readily managed through PayPal, typically the local conference organiser can set up their own PayPal account to manage these finances.